Our Values
ISAIC keeps your data safe and machines are managed by our cloud experts.
Flexible to adopt, ISAIC has various HPC resources for your needs.
Clients can expect friction-free, tailored user experience with ISAIC.
Our machines support the tech ecosystem in Alberta and beyond.
ISAIC accommodates clients' needs with our unique offerings.
Key Benefits
Secure and local resources, housed at the University of Alberta.
NVIDIA GPUs, Kubernetes, and Machine Learning toolkits PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, and more.
Clients keep their Intellectual Property and no complex contracts.
Clear and competitive pricing; on demand service; no egress fees or long-term commitments.
Exceptional customer service and a dedicated support team of experts.
Core Team
Frictionless Processes
Book a discovery call with the ISAIC team.
At the call, we learn more about client's computational needs. ISAIC team sets up a trial environment - no payment method required. If all fits client's needs, ISAIC shares a service agreement with machines specifications, pricing, and period of allocation. Utilization reports are available on the platform; ISAIC team invoices monthly.
Book a Call