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Our Clients

“Having a dedicated machine that is always ready to use makes more possible for us. Our team was able to run a lot of experiments that may have not been so simple as logging on to ISAIC’s virtual environment and running the tests. It allows us to go in when we do want to try something and test it, and it's simple.”

“Having a dedicated machine that is always ready to use makes more possible for us. Our team was able to run a lot of experiments that may have not been so simple as logging on to ISAIC’s virtual environment and running the tests. It allows us to go in when we do want to try something and test it, and it's simple.”

Significantly Reduce The Time It Takes To Train And Deploy Your Models

AI Garage Tools

ISAIC’s AI Garage has many tools and resources for you to work with. Our computational foundation is scalable and secure with proven cloud computing resources such as CPUs and GPUs dedicated to you as virtual machines. You choose your cores, and then add your

Operating System(s)

Ubuntu 1804 , Ubuntu 20.04

Programming Language(s)

Python, Java, Go, CUDA, C++, Ruby

The Storage

Ephemeral, or object

Machine Learning Libraries

Torch, TensorFlow, Keras

Data Organization

Reporting and Dashboards

AI Garage Tools

Our Software

erage open software via GitHub, consider university procured options or host your own licensed, or proprietary software

Optional Admin Supports

Snapshots to capture your progress, onboard and offboard progressing from where you left off

In-Person Supports

The crew of administrators, navigators and engineers for systems, data, and domains that can answer questions and connect resources

Trials of Leading Equipment

Raspberry Pi, World-class GPUs, TPUs, and NPUs

AI Garage Resources

ISAIC is a one-stop-shop for peer-problem solving and mentoring

Our Software

Virtual, in-person, or through the chatbot

Contact Us

Optional Admin Supports

Schedule your back-ups or guidance for best practice

Contact Us

In-Person Supports

Practical learning sessions for immediate applicability

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Trials of Leading Equipment

ISAIC can match your needs with various learning opportunities, from online tutorials to university programs.

Our AI Garage Serves Businesses, Instructors and Learners

AI Garage for Business

Affordable & flexible access to proven & leading computational resources to help businesses address their challenges with AI-enabled solutions to gain a market advantage over competitors. A user-friendly environment that has worry-free maintenance and is well supported by a local community of applied expertise and partners to help guide your projects to success.

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AI Garage for Instructors & Learners

Computational power, availability for real data learning, secure environment for ethics review, and enable AI projects and data collaborations with students, industry or associations. Enhance your AI learning experience through access to our environment.

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